HUBER grovrist RakeMax® CF

The innovative variant of the well-proven RakeMax® screen

  • High hydraulic throughput capacity even with small bar spacings and narrow channels due to a U-shaped bar rack
  • Optimal hydraulic utilisation of existing channels
  • Unsusceptible to grit, gravel and stones

The HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® CF is perfectly suited to serve both municipal or industrial wastewater, and process water screening.

The HUBER RakeMax® CF consists of a U-shaped stationary bar rack installed between the two screen frames, parallel to the flow direction of the wastewater.

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Whilst the wastewater flows into the open front side of the screen and out through both the left and right bar rack, solids are retained on the inner surface of the Ushaped bar rack.

The solids retained on the bar rack lead to gradual blinding of the bar rack surface which has an impact on the level difference in the channel. Cleaning of the screen bars starts at a defined water level in the channel upstream of the screen. The RakeMax® CF achieves this with its cleaning elements attached to the chain system.

The discharge capacity can be adjusted to individual requirements as the number of screening elements attached to the chain system is variable.

Due to the specific design of the RakeMax® CF screen its height above floor is very low and, even in case of deep channels, only dependent on the installation height of the downstream screenings transport or washing system.

If the screen operation is blocked, an electric control reliably protects the screen against damage caused by overload.

At the end of the bar rack cleaning cycle the rake is positively cleaned by a pivoted comb which reliably discharges the removed screenings into a downstream transport or disposal unit. The easy to access and maintain drive unit is installed above the channel.

Due to its different design options the RakeMax® CF covers a very wide range of applications, allowing us to respond to the individual needs of our customers and to specific constructional and hydraulic site conditions. Screen sizes may vary from a channel width from 1 - 3 metres, a discharge height above channel floor up to 20 metres and bar spacings from 4 - 50 mm.



Fordelene med RakeMax® CF:

  • Svært lite trykktap – høy utskillingseffekt
  • Installasjon av sil mulig uten bunntrinn
  • Kompakt utforming med lav installasjonshøyde over bakken
  • Helt innkapslet rist med luker som er enkle å fjerne og omplassere
  • Enkel installasjon selv i eksisterende kanaler
  • Silen består av rustfrie stålprofiler som er selvbærende, slik at den lett kan løftes opp av kanalen
  • Ikke følsom for sand og grus
  • Lett tilgjengelig og enkel enhet for kjedestramming
  • Alle deler som er i kontakt med mediet (unntatt kjede, drivverk og lagre), er laget av rustfritt stål. Individuelt utskiftbare rake- og kamkomponenter


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